Join the IAEL
To apply to join the IAEL - which will allow you to use the personalised features of this website - please fill in the form below.
The information you provide will help us to set-up your membership. You do not have to complete the form in its entirety but the information fields below are those that appear within the membership database so those you do not complete will be left blank on screen when users view the database.
Please note the terms of our Privacy Policy before submitting your information.
Click here for more information on the benefits of membership
Membership prices
The cost of annual membership is 375 euros. If however you wish to make a joint application with one or more other members of the same firm then the cost for the second applicant is 350 euros, for the third applicant 330 euros, for the fourth applicant 300 euros and for each applicant thereafter 250 euros. The cost of annual assoicate membership for those who have still to complete the relevant training for their professional legal qualification in their relevant jurisdiction is €150.
You can pay for your membership subscription either by using Paypal, by sending payment by cheque or by requesting an invoice. After submitting your information below a further page will allow you to confirm payment details.
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